Media & Press

Circular Fashion, But Make it Glamorous: So Over It Luxury Consignment

Stepping into So Over It Luxury Consignment is an experience nothing short of glamorous—you’re instantly transported from bustling Corydon Avenue to a shiny, sparkling, fashion utopia reminiscent of a glitzy New York City Boutique.

Interview with with St. Boniface Foundation about their  Rosé Soirée event showing off some So Over It looks.

Interview with So Over It Founders Rachel and Jordan showing off the studio and some top brands.

Green Action Centre: Second Hand Shopping in Manitoba, A Directory, October 19, 2021
A directory listing of second hand shopping in the Manitoba area.

Not Wasted: Jordan & Rachel - So Over It Shop, June 27, 2021
Interview with So Over It Founders Rachel and Jordan with a focus on non-alcoholic lifestyles.

The Everyday Luxury: My 7 Favorite Luxury Consignment Stores, March 25, 2021
A list of only the best luxury consignment shops including So Over It of course!

Hoodiexo: 14 Designer Fashion Items I’m Loving, and How to Get Them for (Way) Less, March 3, 2021
Discover affordable, handpicked So Over It luxury items with Stephanie Hood.

A thorough list of some glamorous Manitoba brands to shop during the holidays.

Coca & Vera: Buying Designer Handbags on a Budget, December 10, 2020
Fantastic blog on buying designer on a budget with So Over It.

Brains & Bronzed: Shop Local Manitoba Gift Guide, November 19, 2020
Local gift guide for Manitoba shoppers including So Over It.

Nuvo: A Master Guide to Luxury Consignment Across Canada, November 16, 2020
Looking for luxury in Canada? Find So Over It and other greats on this list.

The Winnipeg Free Press: Second hand, first class, August 21, 2020
The So Over It story featuring founders Rachel and Jordan.

The Trendy Files: What's in My Bag - 2018, June 21, 2018
A So Over It handbag feature with all the accessories.

Corydon Avenue Business Improvement Zone: The Avenue News, Summer 2018 Issue
A business spotlight on So Over It's first location back at the beginning of it all.

The Winnipeg Free Press: Startup steps up to support charity, February 8, 2019
So Over It's first charity event in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation.